About Image - Skills Accelerator
About Image - Skills Accelerator
About Image - Skills Accelerator
About Image - Skills Accelerator

Our Story

Skills Accelerator was born on the Cape Flats out of a growing need for youth to acquire skills that will make them work-ready.

As we step into the 4th industrial revolution we seek to empower those who would otherwise be left behind, by offering them an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills to thrive in a 21st century workplace.

The mission behind Skills Accelerator

Skills Accelerator aims to equip youth to participate in the Digital Economy by developing their digital skills to succeed in a 21st-century workplace. We provide access to international and industry-led certification from trusted and globally recognized partners.

Ensuring that the youth have access opportunities

Bridging the gap between employment and the skills needed for employment.


Skills mismatched

RLabs works closely with employers and industry to ensure that our youth have the appropriate skills that will help them to thrive in the existing market.


Lack of work experience

Youth will have a mandatory work experience that enables access to a professional reference, gain work and professional etiquette.


Large school to work gap

Youth will be equipped with the skills to find and access economic opportunities through the RLabs Work-to-Learn approach.


High cost of seeking employment

While seeking full-time employment opportunities, youth will be able to be self-employed through the support and skills of our programmes.