It was a opportunity to have a job but more importantly It was a chance to be able to learn skills that I was interested in learning. I saw this as a chance to better myself and let this chance help push me forward in life so I didn't see a reason not to at least try my best to make it in. After joining I also feel that I have found a second family in RLabs.
I have learnt many skills that I feel I would never of learnt if I wasn't gifted this opportunity and before I never had a stable job but instead hopped from one part-time job to another I can now feel a bit more stable that I don't have to worry if it My time is up and now would need to look for a new job, but instead be able to stay at one place knowing that as long as I work hard I will be able to stay here.
There haven't been any lowlights that I can think of but there has been a good amount of highlights from meeting new people to learning new skills and even learning more about myself as a person as well as see what kind of person I wanna be in the future.
That they should not give up and work hard on themselves and one day a opportunity will come to them. I would also tell them that no matter how hard it gets for them as long a they put their best foot forward someone will see their hard work and reward them by giving them a chance.